I think it would work better if she didn't have a stuffy nose from the kennel cough, not sure she can smell the "high value treat" very well...
So far she knows sit and down and is learning come, if I don't have a treat she won't usually come when I call her, but if I go somewhere in the apartment she will usually follow. During our walk tonight I tied her to the bench outside of Starbucks and watched her through the window while I was on line, no whining but she was keeping her eye on me and sitting nicely. She was also sitting quietly at Barnes and Nobles last night (socialization mission), she pays some attention to me when we are home but is much less attentive when we are out, she pretty much ignores strangers, if someone is petting her it is not unusual for her to be watching something across the room with her back to the person, she seems slightly more friendly towards men.
Important: something to be aware of if you adopt her is the MDR1 gene, I'm not totally sure what it's all about but ask your vet about it when they prescribe medications/heartworm prevention pills since some will have a bad effects on dogs with this gene including early death!
"Many herding dog breeds are afflicted with a mutation of the multi-drug resistance (mdr1) gene. This gene encodes a protein (P-glycoprotein) that is responsible for removing certain drugs and toxins from the brain. Dogs that carry the mdr1 genetic defect cannot rid their brains of the problem drugs. The result is a neurotoxic buildup that can cause abnormal neurological symptoms and/or death."
Read more: http://www.city-data.com/forum/dogs/1005760-all-those-have-herding-dogs-herding.html#ixzz18tZBPAf2
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