So this pup has been in my life for exactly 3 weeks and I couldn't be happier to have her here! she has the sweeeetest disposition and we are getting to know each other, pleasant surprises, problem solving, working out logistics of becoming a dog OWNER again... no matter how awesome the dog it's never eeeasy but it is worth it, she's definitely worth shuffling some things around. I'm happy to have a permanent resident again, it's been a little tough getting attached to the foster pups, watching them learn things and improve and then handing them over (although honestly I couldn't have been happier with the adoptions I've had!!!). Next time I foster, which I'm thinking will be sooner than later, somebody will be staying with me. Plus she'll make an excellent big sis to the new foster pups!
So on to miss Pasha's progress! She's suuuuch a good girl, so sweet and eager to please, fun to train, happy to go with the flow, loves car rides, hiking, making friends at the dog run, kissing the kitty;) blows my mind that somebody abandoned her, but I'm glad she ended up with me! It's never totally smooth sailing with a new dog, you have to be realistic and expect a few issues, we have a few here, they're minor but still... She did get into things once or twice while I was at work, the recyclables, the quinoa and cat food, nothing terrible but worth preventing! So for now she's in a confined space while am out, baby gated the hallway so she has the hallway and the bathroom to play in, with some of her sturdier toys and bones and her bed etc... perhaps most helpful, I don't put food in her bowl in the morning, she gets her dog food + treats and peanut butter or yogurt frozen into a kong overnight! I timed it yesterday, since they are frozen it took her a good 40 minutes of solid effort to empty it (and she gets 2!), FOOOOOD!!!! she is very motivated to empty those suckers, I'm sure it burns off some of her mental energy and gives her "an appropriate dog hobby" so she doesn't get bored (tip from Dr.Ian Dunbar of works like a charm!). Also she is a bit of an excited/submissive peer, this has happened a handful of times, she is clearly housebroken but this seems to be something different, we're off to the vet next Monday to rule out physical causes and if not then we'll work on it (I've been reading up...).
I love my new doggie, fostering has been a great way to find a forever dog and to help other guys in the process. Can't wait to see how excited she will be to have doggie house guests, I'm hoping to get back to fostering in early April, who will be our next visitor???
teaching the beast patience!
awesome trick interrupted by falling bicycle!
Another favorite game of ours is hide and seek! She has to sit and stay while I hide in another room (with a toy or treats) and when I say "OK" she has to find me:) shes' veeerrrry proud of herself when she does and then she gets cookies or we play catch. Whatever kind of mutt she is whether shepherd, dobie or rottie they are all working dogs and need some kind of problem solving to challenge them and keep them from getting bored! she also has a backpack like Dingo;)