Sunday, March 4, 2012

The dog with 2 butts.

Little Ernie has been here nearly a week and it's time for a little progress report!

First the noise issue...

This little Beagle is doing soooo well in the crate!  Since he is being housebroken he is spending the majority of his day in the crate and he is really starting to like it in there, he has lots to do with bones and toys and when he does start the baying and howling I totally ignore it and it stops pretty quickly!  I think his longest (although intense) howling session lasted about 3 minutes in the last day or two which is really impressive considering how nuts it was when he first got here, and that was pretty unusual since he has really been quieting down after a few protest whines or barks (there is a pretty crazy variety in the vocalizations, sometimes it's hard to not to laugh).  TOTALLY IGNORING (not even looking at him) his baying/howling really works, and of course if he is in the crate you have to be fair and give him plenty to do in there!

House breaking....

This has been a little tough!  but today he did 2 full sets of pee/poo outside so I'm starting to have hope again:)  Yesterday there were 3 accidents, including on my blanket/brand new couch (which I later napped on until I noticed a mysterious wet spot on my pants), pretty frustrating since there were many trips outside, he would literally be outside for a 1/2 hour and come inside and pee...  So now I'm stepping up his time in the crate and he doesn't have free time inside unless he's gone potty outside, happily today he seems to be getting the hang of it and I'm looking forward to having a housebroken puppy sooner than later;)

Being outside.

I'm not sure Ernie has spent much time outside?! his toenails were insanely long and POINTY like a cat, not the nails of a dog who walks on sidewalks...  also he seems a little timid, he's interested in dogs and people but hangs back a little, now that his kennel cough has cleared up I've been letting him greet dogs on leash and he's doing really nicely.  He also walks really nicely and doesn't pull as much as some little beagles I know (i'm talking about you little Buster!).

Inside manners.

He has been a tasmanian devil since he been here, launching himself onto all the furniture and standing on my desk and counter surfing etc and generally not having the greatest house manners... Did I mention peeing on the couch:/  When he and Pasha play together they can get crazy so I have been letting them have playtime together and have alone time with me.  I am proud to announce that I now have a little Ernie sitting next to my feet under my desk enjoying a toy:)  He can be still, I had my doubts!  I am going to work on teaching him "off" and to "chill out" (aka, sit/lay down next to me and relax, this involves cookies whenever he sits next to me on his own accord), also he should probably learn "sit" soon right? this poor dog, 8 months old and never been trained at all... I'm hoping to at least improve his manners and have him housebroken and crate trained by next week!

both dogs being quiet.

the beginnings of "the chill out"!

what's this under the butt move??!! hilarious!

these two pups luuuuv each other!  they sit there and kiss each others face all the time, I'm so glad that they are good buddies, my last foster dog Dunkin wanted nothing to do with her so there wasn't much in the foster experience for Pasha!

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