Saturday, February 26, 2011

Somebody's lucking out with this one!

Pasha has been with me since Thursday evening and I am smitten!  It's a mystery to me why someone would tie this dog to a fence and walk away, she has been an angel and is passing every test with flying colors.  She knows basic commands, quiet in the house, friendly to everyone (although she growled at suspicious looking teenage boys, she's protective!), not destructive except to tennis balls and toys, good with other animals (Josie almost likes her), keeps herself entertained with bones and toys, athletic outside and mellow inside, doesn't beg (wistful eye begging doesn't count).  She's kinda perfect...  But why tell you when I can show you?

Herro I'm Pasha!

such a pretty face!

she's so photogenic I can't stop!

this is her confused look (check out the teeth over lip action;)

trying to make friends, she just has to learn kitties 
don't like the puppy bounce style of playing...

oh yeah, treats...

that's better!

take me home and I'll the love the crap out of you!

bonus tail chasing video, enjoy:)

For information on Pasha email me at or call 917 374-3260

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Foster dog numba 4 is here:)  I've been waiting all day for my special delivery and she arrived around five and already less than 2 hours in I'm in love!  I'm calling her Pasha, and she's been wiggly and kissy and super outgoing from the second they let her out of the van, I was worried for nothing!

What we know/don't know:

1. Found as a stray found tied to a fence on 2/16, nice...

2. Breed?  Rottie mix? Shepherd mix? who knows, who cares she's lovable and gorgeous:)
1 1/2 years old, 42lbs.  Fixed, vaccinated.

3. Barely noticed my cat, no big deal to her, the cat was not too excited to see another giant dog though;)  I'll keep them separated for a bit but I'm not expecting a problem.

4. Personality! We have another sweetie! she's kissy and a "lapdog" lots of dog smiles, friendly and plays well with others, she already had a little play session at the dog run, plays fetch with the ball AND sometimes brings it back.  She's alright on the leash, pulls a little but nothing terrible.  Sits for food, shakes, jumps on the couch when invited ;)  plays with toys and is at this moment chomping on a bone in her crate with the door open, no wait, she just brought it over to chew next to me under the desk:)  she is relaxed and already at home here.

That's all I know so far, she seems super sweet, well mannered and playful, somebody will be lucky to adopt her but I'm definitely going to enjoy her in the meantime!

Meet Pasha (originally Linda)!

Pretty in pink at the dog run.  I'll add videos of her amazing doggie social skills next time!

For information on Pasha email me at or call 917 374-3260

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Special delivery!

I had a vacation coming up and didn't want to take in a new dog with a limited window of time, you never know how long your houseguest will stick around waiting for that perfect match!  Well my little visit has been postponed due to a series of unfortunate events (soon, Joey, soon!), such a bummer but fostering always cheers me up sooooo.... this foster is dedicated to my favorite person and fellow dog lover Joey (our misadventure will save a doggie life and we'll be able to enjoy Disneyland that much more;)

Tomorrow morning my new friend will be delivered, we have never met and I'm hoping she's as sweet as she looks (little nervous, they wouldn't send me a vicious beast with murder in her heart would they? nah).

Doesn't she look like a good girl?
can't wait to meet her, I have a soft spot for the rotties!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Catching up with my Fosteroni's!!!

 "I'm soooo, sooo happy to report that I do hear fairly regularly from the new owners of the 3 dogs I've fostered so far!  it's super kind of them and really a treat for me and the rest of us who knew and loved the dogs before they were adopted (seriously everyone involved is so grateful that you take the time to let us know how well our pups are doing, it makes letting them go and taking in a new one a positive feedback loop instead of a series of bummers and murkiness)!

The afternoon Minnie was adopted I was super sad and missing her but right after she left (literally RIGHT AFTER) I got a crazily well timed text with pics from Jean on Spinx (now Charley) that made my day.  (as well as up to the minute reports from Minnie/Savannah's new dad as to how she was making out!)

"He's amazing!!! I sent you an email--we are calling him Charley now. One Spinx in the house is enough!  He's so great--we adore him."

with his big sister Kowie!

general cuteness

is that Wan the cranky dog hating cat?? is it a truce?  ;)

Yup, any plastic will do (I remember him stealing "toys" from the recyclables)

Hey April--just some news about Spinx--we gave him a new name: Charley. We think it's very fitting, and one Spinx in the household is enough!! He's so great...we're totally in love with him, and he just gets better and better! I'm sending you some photos from my phone; we love taking him to Prospect Park because he just plays with everybody!! 

Hope you're enjoying your new foster pet...!

Jean & Joel 

awesome, glad Charley's being a good boy! and it looks like the cats like him a little better now??  I'm dogless at the moment, another was adopted on saturday, we'll see who's next!  send as many updates as you like, they always make me smile!!!!  I got your texts a few minutes after my last pup was adopted saturday and it totally cheered me up:)


yay!! yes, Charley's the best--he's getting better and better every day--calm when necessary, playful, sweet, so funny and hapless and lovey. He's such a big fun goofball!! And the cats are fine with him--they're learning how to fend off his unwanted advances--and Kowie is learning how to assert her dominance and remain on top. She's funny with him--she won't play, as hard as he tries to get her to do it, but she puts him in his place regularly. They're getting along just fine, and it's so interesting to see a different side of her. Now she's the grown-up calm and mature one!

Jean & Joel 

And how about miss Edwina/Dingo/Bronx my original dog crush up in Maine??  Her owners Meagan and Ben both "Facebook friended" me so I get to check out all sorts of great doggie pics which they frequently post, and Meagan even months later has been sending along updates and adorable anecdotes (thanks lady!).

 Nope not a bad life huh?

I was doing errands downtown with Rush and Bronx today. We stopped for tea and the coffee shop had a painting of Roosevelt hanging high on the wall and Bronx started staring at it. Everyone noticed how interested she was in it and then she started barking and growling! We couldn't stop laughing, about her argument with a fellow New Yorker.

Just wanted to update you, Bronx is getting fixed tomorrow! The Vet said dogs can be out of heat but still show internal signs so waiting 1-2 months after going out of heat is safest for the dog. 
She has been getting along with everyone perfectly. She loves running on the beach is great at meeting new people/dogs. We brought her to my Grandmother's 82nd birthday and she was a big hit with all of my extended family. Bronx has mastered 'sit', 'come', 'down', 'back up' and sometimes 'leave it' and we are still working on more tricks! She has gotten some dry winter skin, (maybe from rolling in the snow/sand so much? so funny how she loves to roll around!) so we have been putting salmon oil on her dry food. This is slowly starting to help her skin and making her fur is softer than ever!! Did you feed her anything special like a treat that maybe helped her skin? Our only complaint is she loves to chase our neighbors cat, which is to be expected between dogs and strange mean cats who are in places they don't belong! 
Hope all is well!

Best friends:)  so sweet.

I'm really hoping update posts like this will encourage folks who are considering fostering to give it a shot and to know that when a dog leaves your house they are not necessarily vanishing into thin air!  It means so much to know that you chose the right home and that these pups are LOVED, cared for, and enjoying their second chance, and all the cute stories and observations are a bonus:)


if you or anyone you know is interested in fostering a dog or cat (or other critters) please email me and I'll point you in the right direction, you can never have too many good foster parents!

Heeey... whatever happened to little Minnie?

I KNOW!  it's been a few weeks, there was an adoption but didn't want to jinx it, I wasn't sure it would take...

We had a few inquiries about this pretty little lady but when Alan (her new owner!!) and little Appleton his Maltese came to meet her it was a bad scene!  Minnie was lunging at Appleton and Alan outside and I thought for sure they would turn around and hop back in that cab (he admitted that he most definitely thought about it)...  3 hours he stayed in my apartment, 3 HOURS, just couldn't decide, he could tell she was secretly sweet buuuut then she'd growl at Appleton or himself, there was not much hope in my heart...  As soon as he'd lean one way she would do something to make him doubt her, and I couldn't blame him, who would want to put their other dog in that situation??  In the end Appleton showed she could stick up for herself and although he had serious reservations he agreed to take her on a trial basis which everyone thought was for the best, maybe she'd behave more nicely on another dogs turf??  

ha ha can you say nervous...? 

(I think after this photo was taken she growled at Appleton on the floor and then he changed his mind, AND THEN HE CHANGED HIS MIND BACK AGAIN )
...and she went home on a leap of faith;)

future besties?? 
Poor Appleton, a gentle retiring middle aged lady to be roomates 
with Minnie (now Savannah!!) the tazmanian devil!

Soooooooo, how's it going over there??  I'll let you hear it from the horses mouth, or Alan's anyway;)  not perfect as you'll soon read but when the owner is committed there is hope!  I think our nervously naughty but totally lovable little Savannah has ended up in the right place.

Hi April,
Thanks for getting back to me! Savannah appears to be doing just fine so far? She slept last night on the bed with Apple and myself after sleeping Saturday night in the bathroom under a bunch of blankets. I have been trying to find a baby gate as all the stores on the UES are sold out which is not surprising considering I live in baby central here. I hope to have one by this afternoon.
She seems to leave  Appleton alone even the times when I had to run out to do some errands. She can jump onto my bed as Apple can not and she loves to sleep on the pillows which is fine. I am planning to make an appointment for later this week to get her and Apple to my Vet just to be on the safe side. She definitely loves her carrots as I have been giving them to her as a snack. She knows how to go to the bathroom outside but definitely still needs more training in that department. She is very aggressive when out on walks which I am trying to get a grip on. You were right, she likes to go after people's ankles! lol. Okay, I will report back in a day or two, I think we will be okay with her? Speak soon...

and a few weeks later...

Hi April,
Nice to hear from you! Savannah is doing absolutely wonderful and is loving her new home, Daddy and big sister Appleton with one exception.
She most definitely has some issues when she is walked outside but I believe they can be overcome with some diligent and proactive training, which if I can't cure then I will have to call in a certified trainer? She has a tremendous amount of anxiety and aggressive behavior when she see's other dogs that I must get a grip on for her. She lunges at everything in site from people to pigeons to even moving motor vehicles believe it or not and she lets out this overwhelming and incredible high pitched cry that is absolutely deafening at times. Inside the apartment she is as good as gold. Bottom line is I love her to death and am determined and will work hard to get these issues rectified soon before I need to be fitted for hearing aids?

Yup, sounds like small dog syndrome alright, but kudos to Alan (and sweet little Appleton) for taking a chance on her and looking into the matter instead of giving up on her like her first owner did, she's a lucky girl!  Maybe some of these podcasts will help, this is a great sire to poke around! (Have I mentioned I luuuuv Ian Dunbar!)

(I've still got a home visit coming up so I'll let you know the latest and greatest! and I confess I can't wait to see my little peanut again!)