Thursday, April 14, 2011

out and about!

It's been just over a weeks since lil' Schnickers has joined our household!  He is no trouble at all, behaves kind of like a house cat, hangs out looking cute, not very demanding, comes over when he's wanting some love and snugglin!  Fine little watchdog too, barks when there's extra interesting stuff going on in the hallway or outside but most definitely not a yapper!  Other good points, walks very nicely on the leash, good with the cat, not food aggressive.  He's a funny little guy, verrrry cautious with new people, usually ignores them if he can or watches from a distance, will "bite" if they insist on petting him before he's decided they're alright and they have ignored his initial growlies ("bite" meaning teeth grazing skin with zero pressure, I'd tell you if he actually bit people, honest!), of course once he decides he likes you he reeeeeeally LIKES YOU, he is a happy silly lovebug with me now and he's warming up to people more quickly, especially if they are carrying treats!  As for other dogs he is sort of indifferent but behaves pretty well if they make advances, as long as they have good manners, if not they get the growly bluff, he doesn't know what to do with other dogs because he doesn't seem to know how to play?!  We've been spending a lot of time at our dog run lately and today he started lingering by the crowds of people and dogs a bit more instead of roaming around alone like he did the first few times, he's interested, that's a start.

united front!

Pretty Pasha enjoying the heather garden.

this was a few days ago, Snickers the lone ranger....  
I'll post some more recent dog run videos when I take them later, you'll see the improvement.

even ignored all the sexy ladies...

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